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Nursing Home Infections

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Management Practical Suggestions for Evaluation of Nursing Home Residents with Non-Localizing Signs or Symptoms is table provides suggestions regarding the components for evaluation for infection in nursing home residents with non-localizing signs or symptoms. is table was created to help clinicians implement the expert guidance document's 1 recommendations; however, some of the content in this table exceeds the scope set for the expert guidance 1 and this document therefore is not endorsed by SHEA. is is not meant to be a substitute for individual clinical judgment by qualified professionals. New-onset symptom, presenting in isolation Evaluate further for infection? Potential non-infectious causes (not exhaustive) Next steps and/or active monitoring Behavior changes exclusive of delirium No Numerous possible infectious and non- infectious causes for myriad potential manifestations, e.g., functional decline, loss of appetite, "not being one's self," agitation, weight loss, weakness, letharg y, apathy, etc. A change in behavior in and of itself is not specific enough to trigger a work- up for infection. • CAM to rule out delirium • Active monitoring for hemodynamically stable patients • Attempt hydration • Evaluate medications for possible interactions or adverse effects • Further evaluation if additional, more specific signs and symptoms develop Functional decline No Decline in activities of daily living (ADLs) can be both risk factors and consequences of infection. Non-infectious reasons for functional decline include stroke, hip fracture, and congestive heart failure. Actively monitor residents with abrupt functional decline Falls No Insufficient evidence exists to link infectious conditions, e.g. pneumonia, to falls. Patients cultured for UTI following a fall are as likely to have positive urine as those who did not experience a fall. Not applicable Anorexia No Medication Actively monitor residents with new-onset anorexia (cont'd)

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