SHEA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

NICU Clostridioides difficile

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Prevention Cleaning and Disinfection Strategy ➤ In endemic settings, standard daily cleaning is appropriate. ➤ Bleach or another product with an Environmental Protection Agency–approved claim for C. difficile sporicidal activity should be considered for disinfecting the environment during CDI outbreaks or in hyperendemic settings. ➤ For patients whose CDI has resolved but whose continued hospitalization is required, consider moving the patient to a new room once diarrhea has resolved. ➤ Incubators may be thought of similarly to the patient's room: • In endemic settings, standard cleaning and processing of an incubator should occur before it is used for the next patient. • Consider moving the patient to a clean incubator when diarrhea has resolved. • Develop a strong communication plan with environmental services to identify rooms requiring cleaning with a sporicidal disinfectant.

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