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Implementing Strategies to Prevent Infections in Acute-Care Settings

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2 Key Points ➤ Effective implementation helps to ensure that evidence-based interventions generate desired outcomes and meet infection prevention and control and antimicrobial stewardship goals. ➤ This Compendium article focuses on broad behavioral and socio- adaptive concepts and suggests ways that infection prevention and control teams, healthcare epidemiologists, infection preventionists, and specialty groups may utilize them to deliver high-quality care. ➤ Healthcare facilities should develop implementation plans specific to their settings. The approach in one facility may not be reproducible with the desired effect in another. Resources Definitions • Trivedi KK, Schaffzin JK, Deloney VM, et al. Implementing strategies to prevent infections in acute-care settings. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiolog y. 2023;44(8):1232-1246. • Table 1. Glossary of Terms journals/infection-control-and-hospital-epidemiolog y/article/ implementing-strategies-to-prevent-infections-in-acutecare-settings /1548B8EA67133588C3F946BE73B110BD#s4 Websites Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). How to Improve: Model for Improvement Guide and Tool Kits. resources/how-to-improve Databases of Models and Frameworks • Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research website. • CFIR-ERIC Implementation Strateg y Matching Tool: https:// • RE-AIM: Improving Public Health Relevance and Population Health Impact. RE-AIM and PRISM Guide. Interactive RE-AIM Planning Tool. re-aim-guidance/use-when-planning-a-project/planning-tool/

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