SHEA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Healthcare Personnel with Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, or HIV

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4 Definitions Table 3. Categorization of Healthcare-Associated Procedures According to Level of Risk for Bloodborne Pathogen Transmission Category II: Procedures for which bloodborne virus transmission is theoretically possible but unlikely • Locally anesthetized ophthalmologic surgery • Locally anesthetized operative, prosthetic, and endodontic dental procedures • Periodontal scaling and root planing d • Minor oral surgical procedures (e.g., simple tooth extraction [i.e., not requiring excess force], soft tissue flap or sectioning, minor soft tissue biopsy, or incision and drainage of an accessible abscess) • Minor local procedures (e.g., skin excision, abscess drainage, biopsy, and use of laser) under local anesthesia (often under bloodless conditions) • Percutaneous cardiac procedures (e.g., angiography and catheterization) • Percutaneous and other minor orthopedic procedures • Subcutaneous pacemaker implantation • Bronchoscopy • Insertion and maintenance of epidural and spinal anesthesia lines • Minor g ynecological procedures (e.g., dilatation and curettage, suction abortion, colposcopy, insertion and removal of contraceptive devices and implants, and collection of ova) • Male urological procedures (excluding transabdominal intrapelvic procedures) • Upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopic procedures • Minor vascular procedures (e.g., embolectomy and vein stripping ) • Amputations, including major limbs (e.g., hemipelvectomy and amputation of legs or arms) and minor amputations (e.g., amputations of fingers, toes, hands, or feet) • Breast augmentation or reduction • Minimum-exposure plastic surgical procedures (e.g., liposuction, minor skin resection for reshaping, face lift, brow lift, blepharoplasty, and otoplasty) • Total and subtotal thyroidectomy and/or biopsy • Endoscopic ear, nose, and throat surgery and simple ear and nasal procedures (e.g., stapedectomy or stapedotomy, and insertion of tympanostomy tubes) • Ophthalmic surgery (cont'd)

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