SHEA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Healthcare Personnel with Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, or HIV

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11 HCP Living with HCV ➤ HCP living with HCV should seek an initial evaluation from a physician who has expertise in HCV management to characterize the serologic and virologic aspects of infection. ➤ HCP living with HCV should seek optimal medical management, including treatment with effective antiviral agents to achieve cure of the infection. ➤ HCP living with HCV who do not perform Category III/exposure-prone procedures should not be prohibited from participating in patient- care activities solely on the basis of their HCV infection. ➤ Consonant with the most recent set of guidelines from CDC concerning the management of HCP living with HBV, there is no justification for, nor benefit gained from, routine notification of patients of HCP living with HCV, who are being managed by the institution's oversight panel. ➤ For HCP living with HCV who perform Category III/exposure-prone procedures: a. HCP living with HCV and who, despite appropriate antiviral treatment, continue to have detectable circulating HCV-RNA >2,000 IU/mL should not perform Category III/exposure-prone procedures (see the discussion in the previous section). b. HCP living with HCV who received treatment resulting in 'undetectable' circulating HCV-RNA levels can perform Category III/exposure-prone procedures, as long as the individual: i. Has not been previously identified as having transmitted infection to patients following definitive therapy resulting in a sustained viral response (SVR) ii. Provides the oversight panel with records and laboratory results (or permits the HCP's personal physician to provide records and laboratory results) confirming receipt of treatment and SVR iii. Has achieved SVR by remaining HCV-RNA negative for 12 weeks following the completion of therapy.

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