SHEA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Healthcare Personnel with Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, or HIV

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8 Management Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities In addition to the suggestions for institutions and professional schools, healthcare facilities should do the following: ➤ Assure that HCP living with HBV, HCV, and/or HIV who do not perform Category III/exposure-prone procedures are not prohibited from participating in patient-care activities solely on the basis of their infection(s). ➤ Ensure that all HCP follow all recommended and applicable infection prevention precautions. ➤ Ensure that all HCP have the necessary training, personal protective equipment and safer devices and equipment to be able to avoid transfers of blood or other potentially infectious materials. ➤ Ensure that all HCP who perform or participate in Category III/ exposure-prone procedures are aware of the ethical obligation to know their HBV, HCV, and HIV serologic/infection statuses. ➤ Provide all HCP who have potential for exposure to blood in the healthcare workplace with an HBV vaccine series and assure that vaccination has been successful, as measured by an anti-HBs response. ➤ Provide HCP who either refuse to be vaccinated or fail to develop an anti-HBs response after a second immunization series with access to additional testing to assess the HCP's HBV status (e.g., HBsAg or anti-HBc). ➤ Ensure that HCP who perform Category III/exposure-prone procedures and who have not been, or cannot be, immunized with the HBV vaccine are aware that they should undergo annual testing for HBV to assure they are not infected. The Canadian guidelines 1 and the UK guidelines 2 recommend annual and post-exposure testing. ➤ Create post-exposure management protocols for follow-up testing for potential or known exposures to HBV, HCV, and HIV that occur during the provision of healthcare. ➤ Confirm suspected HCV or HIV infection among HCP with virus- specific RNA testing. Confirm suspected HBV infection with HBsAg and/or HBV DNA testing.

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