SHEA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Healthcare Personnel with Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, or HIV

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7 Management Responsibilities of Healthcare Organizations Academic Institutions and Professional Schools Professional schools should provide the following for trainees and students: ➤ Counseling students and trainees who will be participating in exposure-prone procedures to inform them that they have an ethical obligation: (1) to know their HBV, HCV, and HIV infection statuses; (2) to be vaccinated with HBV vaccine if they are working in a healthcare institution; (3) to seek appropriate treatment for HBV, HCV, and HIV if found to be infected; and (4) to inform the appropriate supervising individual according to institutional procedures (e.g., at a minimum, the occupational medicine program, in order to facilitate the establishment of an oversight panel). ➤ Detailed training and education about the bi-directional risks for exposure to, and infection with, bloodborne pathogens, including meeting the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's requirement for annual bloodborne pathogen education for healthcare workers. ➤ Access to and education about the efficacy of HBV immunization. ➤ Annual testing for serological signs of HBV infection for HCP who conduct exposure-prone procedures who elect not to be immunized or for HBV vaccine non-responders. The Canadian guidelines 1 and the UK guidelines 2 recommend annual and post-exposure testing. ➤ Comprehensive exposure management and follow-up protocols, including post-exposure immuno- and chemoprophylaxis, when appropriate, for exposed staff, students, and trainees. ➤ Career counseling to those planning to conduct exposure-prone procedures who are identified as living with a bloodborne pathogen(s) about the advances in the suppressive treatment or cure of these infections. Trainees and students have an obligation to provide notice of active infections to their institutions if they are planning to conduct exposure-prone procedures, and to participate in ongoing follow-up for these infections according to the standard of care. ➤ Career counseling for students, trainees, and faculty whose viral loads cannot be consistently suppressed concerning their ability to conduct exposure-prone procedures and potential effects on their subsequent careers. ➤ Mechanisms and processes for oversight of HCP living with a bloodborne pathogen who perform exposure-prone procedures. Oversight can be provided by a state expert review panel, an institutional expert review panel, or a more informal oversight team that includes, at a minimum, the clinician providing care for the HCP and an independent occupational medicine physician who is not directly involved in the care of the HCP (discussed in detail in the following section).

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