SHEA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Hand Hygiene

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10 Recommendations Table 3. Methods to Measure Hand Hygiene Method Use Strength Remote video observation • Establishment of performance baseline. • Gauge progress toward facility-established goals. • Validate opportunities to determine denominators if not captured by an AHHMS. • Allows for review of unusual circumstances and validation of other monitoring systems. • The absence of a human observer may reduce the Hawthorne effect. • Potential for provision of immediate and end-of-shift feedback to individuals and unit managers. Patient-as-observer May be appropriate in settings that are challenged with resources for observation such as outpatient settings (e.g., emergency department). • Engages and empowers patients to remain aware of and comment on HCP hand hygiene behaviors. • May improve patient satisfaction. • Cost effective Indirect measures • Event counts • Product usage • Allows for assessment of effectively placed dispensers. • Volume usage may provide trends. Audits of accessibility and functionality of supplies Assure infrastructure that supports adherence. Provides assurance of functionality and availability of hand hygiene supplies. (cont'd)

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