AAO-HNS GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Age-Related Hearing Loss

American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation GUIDELINES Apps brought to you free pf charge, courtesy of Guideline Central. Enjoy!

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3 Key Action Statements Table 1. Summary of Guideline Key Action Statements (KAS) Statement Action Strength KAS 1. Screening for hearing loss Clinicians should screen patients aged 50 years and older for hearing loss at the time of a healthcare encounter. Recommendation KAS 2. Ear exam and other ear conditions If screening suggests hearing loss, clinicians should examine the ear canal and tympanic membrane with otoscopy or refer to a clinician that can examine the ears for cerumen impaction, infection, or other abnormalities. Recommendation KAS 3. Sociodemographic factors and patient preferences If screening suggests hearing loss, clinicians should identify sociodemographic factors and patient preferences that influence access to and utilization of hearing health care. Recommendation KAS 4. Hearing test If screening suggests hearing loss, clinicians should obtain or refer to a clinician who can obtain an audiogram. Strong Recommendation KAS 5. Identifying conditions other than ARHL Clinicians should evaluate and treat or refer to a clinician who can evaluate and treat patients with significant asymmetric hearing loss, conductive or mixed hearing loss, or poor word recognition on diagnostic testing. Recommendation KAS 6. Patient education and counseling Clinicians should educate and counsel patients with hearing loss and their family/care partner(s) about the impact of hearing loss on their communication, safety, function, cognition, and quality of life. Recommendation KAS 7. Communication strategies and assistive technologies Clinicians should counsel patients with hearing loss on communication strategies and assistive listening devices (ALDS). Recommendation KAS 8. Amplification Clinicians should offer, or refer to a clinician who can offer, appropriately fit amplification to patients with ARHL. Strong Recommendation

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