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Glucocorticoid-Induced Adrenal Insufficiency

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8 Figures Figure 2. Proposed Approach to Systemic Glucocorticoid Discontinuation Taper down glucocorticoids to physiologic replacement doses (avoid dexamethasone) SCENARIO 1 (biochemical confirmation of normal cortisol production is not desired/feasible): 1. Gradually taper down glucocorticoids and eventually stop. 2. Closely monitor the patient for clinical manifestations of adrenal insufficiency/ glucocorticoid withdrawal throughout the tapering period and after glucocorticoid discontinuation. Patients receiving supraphysiologic glucocorticoid doses and at high risk of adrenal insufficiency, in whom glucocorticoid therapy is no longer required Continue glucocorticoid replacement 1 and re- check early- morning cortisol after a few months Continue glucocorticoid replacement 1 and re-check early-morning cortisol after a few weeks Consider dynamic testing Stop glucocorticoid replacement 2,3 In case of clinical concerns, possible options are: • Move to scenario 2. • Temporarily increase the glucocorticoid dose and taper down over a longer period. Important considerations: • The proposed cortisol cut-offs are only a guide and may vary according to the cortisol assay used and local protocols. • The proposed cortisol cut-offs only apply to patients who are not under major stress (e.g., sepsis, trauma, surgery, or other acute illness requiring hospital admission). • The proposed cortisol cut-offs do not apply to subjects with abnormal CBG and albumin (e.g., use of oral estrogens, pregnancy, advanced liver cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome). Likelihood of adrenal insufficiency Cortisol 300 nmol/L 10.0 µg/dL 150 nmol/L 5.0 µg/dL LOW HIGH SCENARIO 2 (biochemical confirmation of normal cortisol production is desired/feasible): Measure early-morning serum cortisol 24 hours after the last glucocorticoid dose. 1 Exogenous glucocorticoid should not be reduced below the lower end of the physiologic replacement dose range to ensure adequate replacement for adrenal insufficiency, yet still providing a stimulus for HPA axis recovery. Further significant dose reduction should only occur with indication of HPA axis recovery. 2 Some patients with cortisol values close to the proposed 300 nmol/L (10µg/dL) cut-off may still have a degree of supoptimal cortisol response when exposed to major stress (e.g., sepsis, trauma, surgery, or other acute illness requiring hospital admission). Rely on clinical judgment and offer stress glucocorticoid coverage if adrenal insufficiency is suspected in such cases. Dynamic testing may also be considered. 3 Some patients may develop glucocorticoid withdrawal symptoms (e.g., those who have been on supraphysiologic doses for a very long time) and may benefit from gradual tapering rather than an abrupt discontinuation.

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