ASAM Pocket Guidelines and Patient Guide

Stimulant Use Disorder Patient Guide

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© 2024 American Society of Addiction Medicine ( ) and American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry ( ). All rights reserved. 2 INTRODUCTION Addiction is a chronic illness that affects millions of people, as well as their families and communities. Across the United States overdose deaths involving stimulant use have been increasing since 2012. There are now three-times more deaths involving cocaine and twelve-times more deaths involving methamphetamine and similar drugs compared to a decade ago. Stimulants also cause serious long-term health problems including heart problems, mental health problems, and dental problems. Stimulant drugs may also contain fentanyl, which increases overdose risks. In addition, some people inject stimulants which can spread diseases such as HIV and hepatitis. Like diabetes or heart disease, there is no cure for stimulant use disorder. But it can be managed. People with addiction can and do recover. SOURCE: National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics System, mortality data file. Drug Overdose Deaths Involving Stimulants Methamphetamine and similar drugs

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