Teratogenesis, Perinatal, and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes After in Utero Exposure to Antiseizure Medication

AAN GUIDELINES Product Bundle brought to you by Guideline Central.

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2 Key Points ➤ Prioritize shared decision making with people with epilepsy of childbearing potential (PWECP) to find the proper combination of medications that optimize both seizure control and fetal outcomes before pregnancy. ➤ Stopping antiseizure medications (ASMs) during pregnancy can increase seizure frequency, which can harm both the patient and the child. ➤ Avoid valproic acid, phenobarbital, and topiramate (in that order) if clinically feasible to minimize risk of major congenital malformations (MCMs) and unfavorable perinatal and neurodevelopmental outcomes. ➤ Recommend folic acid supplementation for PWECP to decrease the risk of neural tube defects, possibly decrease the risk of autism spectrum disorder, and help improve IQ in their offspring. Classification of Management Recommendations Classification Definition Level A Denotes a practice recommendation that must be done. In almost all circumstances, adherence to the recommendation will improve health-related outcomes. Almost all patients in this circumstance would desire that the recommendation be followed. Level B Indicates a recommendation that should be done. In most circumstances, adherence to the recommendation will likely improve health-related outcomes. Most patients in this circumstance would want the recommendation to be followed. Level C Represents a recommendation that may be done. In some circumstances, adherence to the recommendation might improve health-related outcomes. Level U Indicates that the available evidence is insufficient to support or refute the efficacy of an intervention. Level R Assigned when the balance of benefits and harms is unknown and the intervention is known to be exorbitantly expensive or have important risks. is level designates that the intervention should not be used outside of a research setting.

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