ACR GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Rheumatoid Arthritis Integrative Treatment

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Table 2. Recommendations for the Management of RA a B. Rehabilitation interventions (cont'd) Level of Evidence We conditionally recommend use of environmental adaptations over no environmental adaptations. No studies met eligibility criteria For patients who are currently employed or desire to become employed, we conditionally recommend use of vocational rehabilitation over no work interventions. No studies met eligibility criteria For patients who are currently employed or desire to become employed, we conditionally recommend work site evaluations and/or modifications over no work site evaluations and/or modifications. Low C. Diet recommendations Level of Evidence We conditionally recommend adherence to a Mediterranean-style diet over no formally defined diet. Low to moderate We conditionally recommend against adherence to a formally defined diet, other than Mediterranean-style. Very low to moderate We conditionally recommend following established dietary recommendations without dietary supplements over adding dietary supplements. Very low to moderate D. Additional integrative interventions Level of Evidence We conditionally recommend use of a standardized self- management program over no standardized self-management program. Low We conditionally recommend use of cognitive behavioral therapy and/or mind-body approaches over no cognitive behavioral therapy and/or mind-body approaches. Very low to low We conditionally recommend use of acupuncture over no acupuncture. Low We conditionally recommend use of massage therapy over no massage therapy. Very low We conditionally recommend use of thermal modalities over no thermal modalities. Very low We conditionally recommend against using electrotherapy. Low We conditionally recommend against using chiropractic therapy. No studies met eligibility criteria a Intervention definitions and examples are provided in Table 1.

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