ACR GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Rheumatoid Arthritis Integrative Treatment

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Table 1. Descriptions and examples of interventions included in the integrative management of rheumatoid arthritis guideline Intervention Description and/or examples Rehabilitation (cont'd) Bracing and orthoses Devices to correct and support musculoskeletal function, improve joint alignment, or protect the joint. Examples include wrist and finger splints, foot or knee orthoses, compression gloves, taping. Joint protection techniques Self-management approach that aims to maintain function by providing people with ways to alter work methods and movement patterns of affected joints to reduce pain, inflammation, and joint stress. Examples include changing the way of performing activities to avoid pain, resting, using alternative muscle groups. Activity pacing Balancing activity and rest to accomplish activities. Includes activity pacing, energ y conservation, activity modification, fatigue management techniques. Assistive devices Devices to assist with mobility. Examples include crutches, canes, walkers, wheelchairs, tricycles, scooters. Adaptive equipment Devices to assist with activities of daily living. Examples include built up and/or long handled equipment, sock aide, button hook, reachers, pill cutters, cell phone holders. Environmental adaptations Adapting environment to improve safety. Examples include adaptations for toileting (raised toilet seat, commode, toilet safety rail), showering (tub seat, handheld shower, walk in bath), grab bars, ramps, stair lis, home modification. Vocational rehabilitation Training programs to overcome barriers preventing successful employment. Work site evaluation and modifications Evaluating and adjusting work-site conditions and duties for safety and well-being. (cont'd)

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