AMDA Pocket Guidelines

Dementia Depression Delirium

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17 STEP 2: Review symptoms that may suggest underlying dementia Table 2. Behaviors That May Suggest Dementia Behavior Consequences How caregivers may misinterpret these manifestations Amnesia (loss of memory) Repeats questions, misplaces objects "Frustrating" "Paranoid" Apraxia (loss of ability to coordinate learned movements) Inability to use utensils, dress appropriately, or use toilet unassisted "Won't eat" "Uncooperative" "Incontinent" Aphasia (inability to speak or understand) Cannot follow directions, unable to engage in conversation "Quiet" "Uncooperative" "Withdrawn" Agnosia Cannot recognize faces, familiar places, and/or objects "Frightened, combative" "Wandering" "Stealing others' belongings" Affective dysregulation Loss of connection between emotion and expression, loss of empathy "Depressed" "Frustrated" "Tearful" "Mood swings"

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