NLA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Dyslipidemia-II NLA

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10 Table 2. Changes from Baseline Lipoprotein Lipid Levels by Diet in Omniheart Diet (% energy from carbohydrate/protein/fat) Habitual Baseline Diet (Various) Carbohydrate Diet (58/15/27) Protein Diet (48/25/27) Unsaturated Fat Diet (48/15/37) Mean, mg/dL Mean or Median Change from Baseline, mg/dL LDL-C 129 -11.6 a -14.2 b -13.1 a,b Non- HDL-C 154 -11.0 a -17.3 b -15.1 b HDL-C 50 -1.4 a -2.6 b -0.3 c Triglycerides 102 0.1 a -16.4 b -9.3 c Different superscript letters denote statistically significant differences in response, p < 0.05 Source: Adapted from Appel LJ, et al. JAMA. 2005;294:2455-2464. Table 3. Predicted Effects of Macronutrient Replacement of Dietary Saturated Fatty Acids with PUFA, MUFA, and Carbohydrate on Lipoprotein Lipids Based on Results from Controlled Feeding Trials a Predicted Effects a on Lipoprotein Lipids of Replacing 5% of Energy from Saturated Fatty Acids with 5% of Energy from the Specified Dietary Component, in mg/dL Dietary Component LDL-C TG HDL-C PUFA ︎↓ 9.0 ↓ 2.0 ↓ 1.0 MUFA ↓ 6.5 ↑ 1.0 ↓ 6.0 Carbohydrate ↓ 6.0 ↑ 9.5 ↓ 2.0 a Results are summarized from controlled feeding trials of subjects with average to mildly dyslipidemic baseline levels of lipoprotein lipids. Effects may be more pronounced in those with higher baseline values. Source: Adapted from Eckel RH, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014;63 (25 Pt B):2960-84. Lifestyle Chart 2. Exercise/Physical Activity Recommendations Recommendations Strength Quality e recommended minimal quantity of exercise for supporting cardiovascular health and improving the lipid profile (lowering TG and sometimes raising HDL-C) is 150 min per week of moderate to higher intensity aerobic activity. is level of physical activity is consistent with public health recommendations. A High To enhance the effects on TG and HDL-C, and produce reductions in LDL-C, as well as loss of body fat and weight, ≥2000 kcal per week of energ y expenditure (generally 200 to 300 min per week) of moderate or higher intensity physical activity is recommended. B Moderate Resistance exercise is also recommended to play a supportive role in maintaining strength, balance, and bone density. B Moderate

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