NLA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Dyslipidemia-II NLA

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23 Total-C and TG levels in women with normal pregnancies should not exceed 250 mg/dL. If they do, the clinician should consider and evaluate preexisting or acquired medical or obstetrical conditions, including hypothyroidism, chronic kidney disease, liver disease, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, or preeclampsia. A Moderate Hypercholesterolemia during pregnancy and breast feeding, especially in women with FH, may be treated with bile acid sequestrants. B Low Women with FH may be treated with LDL apheresis during pregnancy and breast feeding. A Low Very high TG (≥500 mg/dL) may be treated during pregnancy with diet/lifestyle management plus prescription omega-3 fatty acids. Fenofibrate or gemfibrozil may be administered beginning early in the second trimester, based on clinical judgment. ese agents may be used during breast feeding. B Low PCOS is a high-risk condition for dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, and obstetrical complications of preeclampsia, hypertension, diabetes, and premature delivery. All patients with PCOS, regardless of age, should undergo initial lipid and diabetes screening. More frequent follow-up screening is recommended, even if initial values are normal. A Moderate e approach to risk stratification and atherogenic cholesterol treatment goals for women with PCOS should be the same as described for all patients with dyslipidemia in the NLA Recommendations for Patient-Centered Management of Dyslipidemia – Part 1. A Moderate erapeutic management of dyslipidemia in PCOS should focus on diet, exercise, and lipid-lowering medication, if needed. Use of metformin should also be considered to lower TG and reduce insulin resistance. A Moderate Contraceptive choice affects dyslipidemia. Combination oral contraceptives should generally not be used by women ≥35 years of age who smoke because of additive stroke and MI risk. A High Sex HT should not be used for prevention or treatment of ASCVD. A High Menopausal sex HT is an option for treatment of significant menopause symptoms during menopause transition for women at minimal risk for ASCVD. A Moderate Chart 7. Pregnancy to Menopause (cont'd) Recommendations Strength Quality

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