NLA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Dyslipidemia-II NLA

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31 Table 11. Interactions Between ART and Statins a Statin Antiretroviral Therapy Drug Class Protease Inhibitor, Including Cobicistat Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor Atorvastatin • AUC ↑↑ • Use lowest starting dose and titrate carefully • Do not exceed 20 mg daily with DRV/r, FPV/r, SQV/r • AUC ↑↑ 488% with LPV/r. • ↑↑↑ 836% with TPV/r and should not be co-administered • Start with lowest recommended dose and titrate while monitoring for safety with all cobicistat containing regimens • AUC ↓ 43% with efavirenz • ⟷ but Cmax ↓ 37% with etravirine • No data for nevirapine. • May need higher starting dose with efavirenz and etravirine • No dose adjustments for rilpivirine Fluvastatin • Use not recommended with nelfinavir • AUC ↑with etravirine • May require higher starting dose with etravirine Lovastatin • Contraindicated with all PIs and cobicistat (AUC ↑↑↑) • AUC ↓↓with efavirenz. May require higher starting dose • No adjustment needed for rilpivirine Pitavastatin • Modest AUC ↑ with ATV/r (31%) • Modest ↓ AUC with DRV/r (20-26%) and LPV/r (20%). No dose adjustment required • No dose adjustment with cobicistat • ⟷ with efavirenz and no dose adjustment needed • No dose adjustment needed for rilpivirine Pravastatin • ↓AUC of except with DRV/r and LPV/r which • ↑ AUC by 81% and 33% respectively. Use lowest possible starting dose • AUC ↓ 40% with efavirenz • ⟷ with etravirine. May need higher starting dose Rosuvastatin • AUC ↑↑213% and Cmax ↑↑↑ 600% with LPV/r. • AUC ↑↑ 108% and Cmax • Allowed. ⟷. No reported interactions a Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors and integrase inhibitors, except when boosted with cobicistat, do not have any significant drug-drug interactions with statins. Abbreviations and symbols: ↑, some increase; ↑↑, moderate increase; ↑↑↑, large increase; ↓, some decrease; ↔, no significant change; ATV/r, atazanavir/ritonavir; AUC, area under the concentration-time curve; Cmax, maximum drug concentration; DRV/r, darunavir/ritonavir; FPV/r, fosamprenavir/ritonavir; LPV/r, lopinavir/ritonavir; SQV/r, saquinavir/ritonavir Table modified from Myerson Met al. J Clin Pharmacol. 2015;55:957–74. Permission to use adaptation was obtained.

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