Early Parkinson Disease - Dopaminergic Therapy for Motor Symptoms

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Tapering and Discontinuing DAs ➤ Clinicians should recommend tapering or discontinuation of DAs if patients experience disabling medication-related adverse effects, including ICDs, excessive daytime sleepiness, sudden-onset sleep, cognitive impairment, or hallucinations (B). ➤ When DAs must be discontinued due to adverse effects, clinicians should monitor patients for symptoms of dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrome (DAWS) and, when possible, gradually decrease the dosage to minimize symptoms (B). Prescribing MAO-B inhibitors ➤ Clinicians should counsel patients with early PD on the greater motor benefits of initial therapy with levodopa compared with MAO-B inhibitors to inform treatment decisions (B). ➤ Clinicians may prescribe MAO-B inhibitors as the initial dopaminergic therapy for mild motor symptoms in patients with early PD (C). Treatment Medications for Parkinson Disease Agent – generic Brand Mechanism of Action Dose carbidopa and levodopa RYTARY dopamine precursor Individualize PO rotigotine transdermal system Neupro dopamine agonist 2 mg/24 hours Max: 8 mg/24 hours carbidopa and levodopa Sinemet dopamine precursor Individualize PO carbidopa, levodopa, and entacapone Stalevo dopamine precursor/ catechol-o-methyltransferase (COMT) inhibitor Individualize PO entacapone a Comtan COMT inhibitor 200 mg PO with each levodopa and carbidopa dose selegiline generic monoamine oxidase type B (MAO-B) inhibitor 5 mg bid PO rasagiline generic MAO-B inhibitor 1 mg PO qd ropinirole Requip non-ergoline dopamine agonist 2 mg PO qd Max: 24 mg/d pramipexole Mirapex non-ergot dopamine agonist 0.375 mg PO qd Max: 4.5 mg PO qd a Adjunctive to levodopa/carbidopa

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