AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Chronic Coronary Disease 2023

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Page 57 of 65

58 Special Populations 6.8. HIV and Autoimmune Disorders COR LOE Recommendations HIV 1 B-R 1. In adults with CCD and HIV, antiretroviral therapy is beneficial to decrease the risk of cardiovascular events. 2a B-R 2. In adults with CCD and HIV, it is reasonable to choose antiretroviral therapy regimens associated with more favorable lipid and cardiovascular risk profiles with consideration of drug-drug interactions. 3: Harm C-LD 3. In adults with CCD and HIV, lovastatin or simvastatin should not be administered with protease inhibitors as this may cause harm. Autoimmune Disorders in CCD 2a C-LD 4. In adults with CCD and rheumatoid arthritis, initiation and maintenance of disease modifying anti-rheumatoid drugs is beneficial to decrease the risk of cardiovascular events. 2b C-LD 5. In adults with CCD and autoimmune diseases, treatment with biologics and other immune modulating therapies that reduce disease activity may be considered to decrease the risk of cardiovascular events. 3: Harm C-LD 6. In patients with CCD and rheumatoid arthritis, high-dose glucocorticoids should not be used long term if alternative therapies are available because of increased cardiovascular risk. Table 23. Common Antiretroviral Therapy Drugs and Effects on Lipid Levels Class Drug Effect on Blood Lipids Protease inhibitors Atazanavir Increases HDL-C and decreases LDL-C levels Darunavir Increases HDL-C levels Fosamprenavir Hypertriglyceridemia Ritonavir* Increases HDL-C levels Saquinavir Neutral Tipranavir Dyslipidemia 6.7. Chronic Kidney Disease COR LOE Recommendation 1 C-LD 1. In patients with CCD and CKD, measures should be taken to minimize the risk of treatment-related acute kidney injury.* * Modified from the 2021 ACC/AHA/SCAI guideline for coronary artery revascularization. Lawton JS, et al. op. cit.

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