AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Chronic Coronary Disease 2023

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Page 34 of 65

35 4.3.1. Antiplatelet Therapy and Oral Anticoagulants (OAC) (cont'd) COR LOE Recommendations Antiplatelet erapy Without OAC (cont'd) 3: Harm B-R 9. In patients with CCD and previous stroke, TIA, or ICH, prasugrel should not be used because of risk of significant or fatal bleeding. 3: Harm B-R 10. In patients with CCD, chronic nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drugs should not be used because of increased cardiovascular and bleeding complications.* Antiplatelet erapy With Direct OAC (DOAC) 1 B-R 11. In patients with CCD who have undergone elective PCI and who require oral anticoagulant therapy, DAPT for 1 to 4 weeks followed by clopidogrel alone for 6 months should be administered in addition to DOAC. † 2a B-R 12. In patients with CCD who have undergone PCI and who require oral anticoagulant therapy, continuing aspirin in addition to clopidogrel for up to 1 month is reasonable if the patient has a high thrombotic risk and low bleeding risk.* 2b B-R 13. In patients with CCD who require oral anticoagulation and have a low atherothrombotic risk, discontinuation of aspirin therapy with continuation of DOAC alone may be considered 1 year after PCI to reduce bleeding risk.* 2b C-LD 14. In patients with CCD who require oral anticoagulation, DOAC monotherapy may be considered if there is no acute indication for concomitant antiplatelet therapy. Antiplatelet erapy and Low-Dose DOAC 2a B-R 15. In patients with CCD without an indication for therapeutic DOAC or DAPT and who are at high risk of recurrent ischemic events but low-to-moderate bleeding risk, the addition of low-dose rivaroxaban 2.5 mg twice daily to aspirin 81 mg daily is reasonable for long-term reduction of risk for MACE. DAPT and Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) 2a B-R 16. In patients with CCD on DAPT, the use of a PPI can be effective in reducing gastrointestinal bleeding risk.* * Modified from the 2016 ACC/AHA guideline focused update on duration of DAPT with coronary artery disease. Levine GN, et al. Circulation. 2016;134:e123-155. † Modified from the 2021 ACC/AHA/SCAI guideline for coronary artery revascularization. Lawton JS, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2022;79:e21-e129.

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