AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Chronic Coronary Disease 2023

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28 Treatment Table 11. High-, Moderate-, and Low-Intensity Statin Therapy* High Intensity Moderate Intensity Low Intensity LDL-C Lowering † ≥50% 30% – 49% <30% Statins Atorvastatin (40 mg ‡ ), 80 mg Rosuvastatin 20 mg (40 mg ) Atorvastatin 10 mg (20 mg ) Rosuvastatin (5 mg ) 10 mg Simvastatin 20–40 mg § Simvastatin 10 mg Pravastatin 40 mg (80 mg ) Lovastatin 40 mg (80 mg ) Fluvastatin XL 80 mg Fluvastatin 40 mg BID Pitavastatin 1–4 mg Pravastatin 10–20 mg Lovastatin 20 mg Fluvastatin 20–40 mg Percent LDL-C reductions with the primary statin medications used in clinical practice (atorvastatin, rosuvastatin, simvastatin) were estimated using the median reduction in LDL-C from the VOYAGER database. Reductions in LDL-C for other statin medications (fluvastatin, lovastatin, pitavastatin, pravastatin) were identified according to FDA-approved product labeling in adults with hyperlipidemia, primary hypercholesterolemia, and mixed dyslipidemia. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/ cder/daf/ Accessed January 8, 2021. Boldface type indicates specific statins and doses that were evaluated in RCTs and the Cholesterol Treatment Trialists' 2010 meta-analysis. ese RCTs demonstrated a reduction in major cardiovascular events. * Percent reductions are estimates from data across large populations. Individual responses to statin therapy varied in the RCTs and should be expected to vary in clinical practice. † LDL-C lowering that should occur with the dosage listed below each intensity. ‡ Evidence from 1 RCT only: down titration if unable to tolerate atorvastatin 80 mg in the IDEAL (Incremental Decrease through Aggressive Lipid Lowering ) study. § Although simvastatin 80 mg was evaluated in RCTs, initiation of simvastatin 80 mg or titration to 80 mg is not recommended by the FDA because of the increased risk of myopathy, including rhabdomyolysis. Reprinted with permission from Grundy SM, et al. op. cit. Copyright 2019 American Heart Association, Inc. and American College of Cardiolog y Foundation.

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