Endocrine Society GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Management of Individuals with Diabetes at High Risk for Hypoglycemia

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Page 9 of 11

10 Treatment Table 6. Elements of a Structured Diabetes Education Program in Those at Risk for Hypoglycemia • Education should be provided by individuals with specific training in providing the program, including, but not limited to, diabetes educators, nurses, and dieticians. • Education can be provided in both one-on-one and group sessions. • The education program should include active, hands-on learning modalities, with discussions and exercises aimed at instructing participants in the risk factors associated with and management strategies for reducing and treating hypoglycemia. Key elements of the program may include: • Avoiding delay of hypoglycemia treatment • Knowing optimal treatments for hypoglycemia • Recognizing individual's particular risk factors for hypoglycemia • Improving individual's ability to recognize subtler symptoms of hypoglycemia • Focusing on methods for reducing nocturnal hypoglycemia Table 7. Currently Available Glucagon Preparations • Glucagon: emergency kit, with powder and diluent • Nasal glucagon • Glucagon (stable liquid): auto-injector, prefilled syringe • Dasiglucagon: auto-injector, prefilled syringe Recommendation 10 ➤ ES recommends that glucagon preparations that do not have to be reconstituted over glucagon preparations that do have to be reconstituted (i.e., available as a powder and diluent) be used for outpatients with severe hypoglycemia. (1|⊕ )

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