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Arteritis ACR 2021

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5 Table 4. Recommendations for Diagnostic Testing in GCA Recommendation Level of Evidence In patients with suspected GCA, we conditionally recommend an initial unilateral temporal artery biopsy over bilateral biopsies. Low In patients with suspected GCA, we conditionally recommend a long-segment temporal artery biopsy (>1 cm) over a short- segment temporal artery biopsy (<1 cm). Low In patients with suspected GCA, we conditionally recommend obtaining a temporal artery biopsy specimen within two weeks of starting oral glucocorticoids over waiting longer than two weeks for a biopsy. Low In patients with suspected GCA, we conditionally recommend temporal artery biopsy over temporal artery ultrasound for diagnosis of GCA. Low In patients with suspected GCA, we conditionally recommend temporal artery biopsy over magnetic resonance imaging of the cranial arteries for establishing a diagnosis of GCA. Low In patients with suspected GCA and a negative temporal artery biopsy (or biopsies), we conditionally recommend non-invasive vascular imaging of the large vessels with clinical assessment to aid in diagnosis over clinical assessment alone. Very low / Low In patients with newly diagnosed GCA, we conditionally recommend obtaining non-invasive vascular imaging to evaluate for large vessel involvement. Very low Diagnostic Testing

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