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Arteritis ACR 2021

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11 (cont'd) (cont'd) Table 5. Recommendations/Statements for Medical and Surgical Management in TAK B. Surgical Management (cont'd) Level of Evidence In patients with TAK and stenosis of a cranial/cervical vessel without clinical symptoms, we conditionally recommend medical management over surgical intervention. Very low / Low In patients with TAK with worsening signs of limb/organ ischemia, we conditionally recommend delaying surgical intervention until the disease is quiescent over performing surgical intervention while the patient has active disease. Very low / Low In patients with TAK undergoing surgical intervention, we conditionally recommend using high dose glucocorticoids in the peri-procedure period if the patient has active disease. Very low / Low Table 6. Recommendations for Clinical/Laboratory Monitoring and Vascular Imaging in TAK A. Clinical/Laboratory Monitoring Level of Evidence In patients with TAK, we conditionally recommend adding inflammatory markers to clinical monitoring as a disease activity assessment tool. Very low / Low In patients with TAK in apparent remission, we strongly recommend long-term clinical monitoring over no clinical monitoring. Very low In patients with TAK in apparent clinical remission but with rising inflammatory markers, we conditionally recommend clinical observation without escalation of immunosuppression. Very low B. Vascular Imaging Level of Evidence In patients with TAK, we conditionally recommend using non- invasive imaging over catheter-based dye angiography as a disease activity assessment tool. Low In patients with known TAK, we conditionally recommend regularly scheduled non-invasive imaging in addition to routine clinical assessment. Very low / Low In patients with TAK in apparent clinical remission but with signs of inflammation in new vascular territories (e.g., new stenosis or vessel wall thickening ) on vascular imaging, we conditionally recommend treatment with immunosuppressive therapy. Very low / Low (cont'd)

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