AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Coronary Artery Revascularization

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Contents of this Issue


Page 38 of 49

39 Use of Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Patients Undergoing CABG COR LOE Recommendations 2a B-R 1. In patients with significant calcification of the aorta, the use of techniques to avoid aortic manipulation (off-pump techniques or beating heart) is reasonable to decrease the incidence of perioperative stroke when performed by experienced surgeons. 2b B-R 2. In patients with significant pulmonary disease, off-pump surgery may be reasonable to reduce perioperative risk when performed by experienced surgeons. Insulin Infusion and Other Measures to Reduce Sternal Wound Infection in Patients Undergoing CABG COR LOE Recommendations 1 B-R 1. In patients undergoing CABG, an intraoperative continuous insulin infusion should be initiated to maintain serum glucose level <180 mg/dL to reduce sternal wound infection. 1 B-R 2. In patients undergoing CABG, the use of continuous intravenous insulin to achieve and maintain an early postoperative blood glucose concentration of <180 mg/ dL while avoiding hypoglycemia is indicated to reduce the incidence of adverse events, including deep sternal wound infection. 1 B-NR 3. In patients undergoing CABG, a comprehensive approach to reduce sternal wound infection is recommended. 2b B-R 4. In patients undergoing CABG, the usefulness of continuous intravenous insulin designed to achieve a target intraoperative blood glucose concentration <140 mg/dL is uncertain. Pharmacotherapy in Patients Undergoing CABG

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