AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Coronary Artery Revascularization

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Page 24 of 49

25 Patients With Diabetes COR LOE Recommendations 1 A 1. In patients with diabetes and multivessel CAD with the involvement of the LAD, who are appropriate candidates for CABG, CABG (with a LIMA to the LAD) is recommended in preference to PCI to reduce mortality and repeat revascularizations. 2a B-NR 2. In patients with diabetes who have multivessel CAD amenable to PCI and an indication for revascularization and are poor candidates for surgery, PCI can be useful to reduce long-term ischemic outcomes. 2b B-R 3. In patients with diabetes who have left main stenosis and low- or intermediate-complexity CAD in the rest of the coronary anatomy, PCI may be considered an alternative to CABG to reduce major adverse cardiovascular outcomes. Patients With Previous CABG COR LOE Recommendations 2a B-NR 1. In patients with previous CABG with a patent LIMA to the LAD who need repeat revascularization, if PCI is feasible, it is reasonable to choose PCI over CABG. 2a C-LD 2. In patients with previous CABG and refractory angina on GDMT that is attributable to LAD disease, it is reasonable to choose CABG over PCI when an IMA can be used as a conduit to the LAD. 2b B-NR 3. In patients with previous CABG and complex CAD, it may be reasonable to choose CABG over PCI when an IMA can be used as a conduit to the LAD. DAPT Adherence COR LOE Recommendation 2a B-NR 1. In patients with multivessel CAD amenable to treatment with either PCI or CABG who are unable to access, tolerate, or adhere to DAPT for the appropriate duration of treatment, CABG is reasonable in preference to PCI.

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