AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

2021 Chest Pain Guidelines

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Page 19 of 55

20 Treatment Table 3. Contraindication by Type of Imaging Modality and Stress Protocol Exercise ECG Stress Nuclear a • Abnormal ST changes on resting ECG, digoxin, left bundle branch block, Wolff-Parkinson-White pattern, ventricular paced rhythm (unless test is performed to establish exercise capacity and not for diagnosis of ischemia) • Unable to achieve ≥5 METs or unsafe to exercise • High-risk unstable angina or AMI (<2 d) i.e., active ACS • Uncontrolled heart failure • Significant cardiac arrhythmias (e.g., VT, complete atrioventricular block) or high risk for arrhythmias caused by QT prolongation • Severe symptomatic aortic stenosis • Severe systemic arterial hypertension (e.g., ≥200/110 mm Hg ) • Acute illness (e.g., acute PE, acute myocarditis/pericarditis, acute aortic dissection) • High-risk unstable angina, complicated ACS or AMI (<2 d) • Contraindications to vasodilator administration ▶ Significant arrhythmias (e.g., VT, second- or third-degree atrioventricular block) or sinus bradycardia <45 bpm ▶ Significant hypotension (SBP <90 mm Hg ) ▶ Known or suspected bronchoconstrictive or bronchospastic disease ▶ Recent use of dipyridamole or dipyridamole-containing medications ▶ Use of methylxanthines (e.g., aminophylline, caffeine) within 12 hours ▶ Known hypersensitivity to adenosine, regadenoson • Severe systemic arterial hypertension (e.g., ≥200/110 mm Hg ) For all the imaging modalities, inability to achieve high-quality images should be considered, in particular for obese patients a Screening for potential pregnancy by history and/or pregnancy testing should be performed according to the local imaging facilities policies for undertaking radiological examinations that involve ionizing radiation in women of child-bearing age. † Low-dose dobutamine may be useful for assessing for low-gradient AS.

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