AHA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

2021 Chest Pain Guidelines

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Contents of this Issue


Page 33 of 55

34 4.1.3. High-Risk Patients With Acute Chest Pain COR LOE Recommendations 1 B-NR 1. For patients with acute chest pain and suspected ACS who have new ischemic changes on electrocardiography, troponin-confirmed acute myocardial injury, new-onset left ventricular systolic dysfunction (ejection fraction <40%), newly diagnosed moderate-severe ischemia on stress testing, hemodynamic instability, and/or a high clinical decision pathway (CDP) risk score should be designated as high risk for short-term MACE. 1 C-EO 2. For patients with acute chest pain and suspected ACS who are designated as high risk, ICA is recommended. 2a B-NR 3. For high-risk patients with acute chest pain who are troponin positive in whom obstructive CAD has been excluded by CCTA or ICA, CMR or echocardiography can be effective in establishing alternative diagnoses. Treatment 4.1.4. Acute Chest Pain in Patients With Prior CABG Surgery COR LOE Recommendations 1 C-LD 1. In patients with prior CABG surgery presenting with acute chest pain who do not have ACS, performing stress imaging is effective to evaluate for myocardial ischemia or CCTA for graft stenosis or occlusion. 1 C-LD 2. In patients with prior CABG surgery presenting with acute chest pain, who do not have ACS or who have an indeterminate/nondiagnostic stress test, ICA is useful. 4.1.5. Evaluation of Patients With Acute Chest Pain Receiving Dialysis COR LOE Recommendation 1 B-NR 1. In patients who experience acute unremitting chest pain while undergoing dialysis, transfer by EMS to an acute care setting is recommended.

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