ACR GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

2021 Rheumatoid Arthritis Guidelines Pocket Guide

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4 Treatment Table 2. DMARD Initiation Recommendations Certainty of Evidence Initiation of treatment in DMARD-naive patients with moderate to high disease activity Methotrexate monotherapy is strongly recommended over: • Hydroxychloroquine or sulfasalazine Very low a / Low b • bDMARD or tsDMARD monotherapy Very low / Moderate • Combination of methotrexate plus a non-TNF inhibitor bDMARD or tsDMARD c Low / Very low Methotrexate monotherapy is conditionally recommended over: • Leflunomide Low • Dual or triple csDMARD therapy c Moderate • Combination of methotrexate plus a TNF inhibitor c Low Initiation of a csDMARD without short-term (<3 months) glucocorticoids is conditionally recommended over initiation of csDMARD with short-term glucocorticoids. Very low Initiation of a csDMARD without longer-term (≥3 months) glucocorticoids is strongly recommended over initiation of csDMARD with longer-term glucocorticoids. Moderate Initiation of treatment in DMARD-naive patients with low disease activity Hydroxychloroquine is conditionally recommended over other csDMARDs. Very low Sulfasalazine is conditionally recommended over methotrexate. Very low Methotrexate is conditionally recommended over leflunomide. Very low Initiation of treatment in csDMARD treated, but methotrexate-naive, patients with moderate to high disease activity d Methotrexate monotherapy is conditionally recommended over combination of methotrexate plus a bDMARD or tsDMARD c,e Moderate / Very low a e first certainty of evidence applies to the first listed option. b e second certainty of evidence applies to the second listed option. c e direction of the beneficial effect is in favor of the non-preferred option. d Other recommendations for this patient population are the same as those for DMARD naive patients. e e certainty of evidence is high for the combination of methotrexate plus a TNF inhibitor and moderate for other bDMARDs.

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