Nucleic Acid-Based Testing in Community Acquired Pneumonia

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Certainty in the Evidence H=High High confidence that the estimated effect is close to the true effect. M=Moderate Moderate confidence that the estimated effect is close to the true effect, but with a chance that the true effect is considerably different. L=Low Low confidence in the estimated effect. Higher likelihood that the true effect is considerably different from the estimated effect. VL=Very Low Very low confidence in the estimated effect. High likelihood that the true effect is considerably different from the estimated effect. Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE)-Based Recommendations Implications for: S=Strong Recommendation C=Conditional Recommendation Patients e majority of patients would want the recommended course of action in this situation, and only a small number would not. Many patients in this situation would prefer the recommendation, but a substantial number may not. is is an opportunity for shared decision-making between the clinician and patient. Clinicians Most individuals should receive the course of action that is recommended. ere is a low chance that additional formal decision aids are needed to help individuals make decisions consistent with their values and preferences, and adherence to this recommendation could be used as a performance indicator or quality criterion. Different choices will be applicable to different patients, and additional factors will need to be considered in addition to the recommendation in order for a patient to make a decision according to their values and preferences. Decision aids may be needed to assist individuals in making their best choice. is is an opportunity for shared decision-making between the clinician and patient. Policy Makers e recommendation can be widely adapted as policy and can be used for performance indicators. Policy-making will require substantial additional debate and involvement of many and/or additional stakeholders. e likelihood of regional variance is also higher, and performance indicators would need to take into consideration any additional deliberation that has occurred.

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