Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis in Adults

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24 Diagnosis Figure 7. Diagnostic Evaluation of Possible Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (HP) Exposure identified AND typical HP pattern on HRCT AND BAL lymphocytosis High confidence diagnosis of HP Multidisciplinary discussion Exposure assessment a and chest HRCT scan b BAL with lymphocyte cellular analysis, with or without TBLB c a Exposure assessment includes a thorough clinical history and/or serum IgG testing against potential antigens associated with HP and/or, in centers with the appropriate expertise and experience, specific inhalational challenge testing. b High-resolution computed tomography should be performed using the technique described in Table 2 and then reviewed with a thoracic radiologist. c Transbronchial lung biopsy is suggested for patients with potential nonfibrotic HP (see question 4, recommendation 1). #TBLC is suggested for patients with potential nonfibrotic HP, depending on local expertise (see question 5, recommendation 2). ##SLB is infrequently considered in patients with nonfibrotic HP.

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