ASAM Pocket Guidelines and Patient Guide

Alcohol Withdrawal Management

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7 Î Recommendation II.7: Patients' risk for complicated withdrawal or complications of withdrawal is increased by the presence of multiple risk factors. Î Recommendation II.8: In general, clinicians may consider patients at risk of severe or complicated withdrawal if they are experiencing at least moderate alcohol withdrawal on presentation (e.g., CIWA-Ar score ≥10). C. Risk Assessment Tools Î Recommendation II.9: Clinicians can consider the use of a tool such as The ASAM Criteria Risk Assessment Matrix to assess a patient's risk of severe or complicated alcohol withdrawal as well as potential complications of withdrawal. Î Recommendation II.10: The following scales can be helpful for assessing for the risk of severe alcohol withdrawal: • Prediction of Alcohol Withdrawal Severity Scale (PAWSS) • Luebeck Alcohol-Withdrawal Risk Scale (LARS) D. Symptom Assessment Scales Î Recommendation II.11: A validated scale should be used to assess alcohol withdrawal severity. Î Recommendation II.12: Assess the risk for scores on an alcohol withdrawal severity assessment scale to be confounded by causes other than alcohol withdrawal. If risk factors are present, interpret the results of scales with caution. Use a scale that relies more on objective signs of withdrawal (autonomic activity) if a patient has difficulty communicating about their symptoms. See Alcohol Withdrawal Scales Table for the features of different scales. Î Recommendation II.13: A validated withdrawal severity assessment scale can be used as part of risk assessment. A high initial score can indicate risk of developing severe or complicated withdrawal, although scores should not be the only information used to predict patient risk. E. Identify Concurrent Conditions Î Recommendation II.14: When assessing for concurrent medical conditions, screen patients for medical conditions that could affect the course of alcohol withdrawal or treatment of alcohol withdrawal, as well as common chronic conditions that are associated with alcohol use disorders. Î Recommendation II.15: A pregnancy test should be obtained for women of childbearing potential. For managing pregnant patients, see VII.F. Patients who are pregnant.

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