ACC GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)


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ponin n Positive Nonischemic Not an MI Cardiac •  Direct myocardial damage Systemic •  CHF •  Infection ▶▶ Viral CM •  Inflammation ▶▶ Myocarditis ▶▶ Pericarditis •  Trauma ▶▶ Surgery ▶▶ Electrical shock •  Ablation procedures •  Malignancy •  Stress CM •  Infiltrative diseases •  PE •  Toxicity ▶▶ Anthracyclines •  Trauma ▶▶ Blunt chest wall injury ▶▶ CHF   (volume overload) •  Renal failure •  Sepsis •  Stroke •  Subarachnoid hemorrhage Analytical •  Assay Based ▶▶ Poor performance ▶▶ Calibration errors •  Sample Based ▶▶ Heterophile antibody ▶▶ Interfering substances

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