IDSA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Streptococcal Pharyngitis

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Diagnosis Table 1. Epidemiologic and Clinical Features of Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis Features suggestive of GAS pharyngitis: ������ Sudden onset of sore throat ������ Age 5-15 years ������ Fever ������ Headache ������ Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain ������ Tonsillopharyngeal inflammation ������ Patchy tonsillopharyngeal exudates ������ Palatal petechiae ������ Anterior cervical adenitis (tender nodes) ������ Winter-early spring presentation ������ History of exposure to strep pharyngitis ������ Scarlatiniform rash Features suggestive of viral pharyngitis: ������ Conjunctivitis ������ Coryza ������ Cough ������ Diarrhea ������ Hoarseness ������ Discrete ulcerative stomatitis ������ Viral exanthema

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