IDSA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Streptococcal Pharyngitis

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Table 5. Strength of Recommendation and Quality of Evidence Category/Grade Definition Recommendation SR - Strong Clear desirable or undesirable effects WR - Weak Desirable and undesirable effects closely balanced or uncertain Quality of Evidence H - High Consistent evidence from well-performed RCTs or exceptionally strong evidence from unbiased observational studies M - Moderate Evidence from RCTs with important limitations or moderately strong evidence from unbiased observational studies L - Low Evidence for ��� one critical outcome from observational studies, from RCTs with serious flaws or from indirect evidence VL - Very low Evidence for ��� one critical outcome from unsystematic clinical observations or very indirect evidence GRADE Implication Comment SR-H Applies to most patients in most circumstances Further research is unlikely to change estimate SR-M Further research may change estimate SR-L SR-VL Estimate of effect for at least one critical outcome is very uncertain WR-H The best action may differ depending on circumstances or patients or societal values Further research is unlikely to change estimate WR-M Alternative approaches likely to be better for some patients under some circumstances Further research may change estimate WR-L Other alternatives may be equally reasonable WR-VL Any estimate of effect for at least one critical outcome is very uncertain For the complete GRADE Strength of Recommendations and Quality of the Evidence Table, visit the IDSA website:

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