IDSA GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Streptococcal Pharyngitis

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Treatment Table 3. Antibiotic Regimens Recommended for Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis Drug, Route Dosage Duration Rating Penicillin V generic, oral Children: 250 mg bid or tid Adolescents tid Adults: 250 mg qid or 500 mg bid 10 days SR-H Amoxicillin generic, oral 50 mg/kg once daily (Max = 1000 mg) Alternate: 25 mg/kg bid ��� (Max = 500 mg) bid 10 days SR-H Benzathine penicillin G generic, IM < 27 kg: 600,000 units ��� 27 kg: 1.2 million units one dose SR-H For Penicillin-Allergic Individuals Cephalexin Keflex��a PO 20 mg/kg/dose bid ��� (Max = 500 mg/dose) 10 days SR-H Cefadroxila Duricef ��, Ultracef �� PO 30 mg/kg daily ��� (Max = 1 gm) 10 days SR-H Clindamycin Cleocin�� PO 7 mg/kg/dose tid ��� (Max = 300 mg/dose) 10 days SR-M Azithromycinb Zithromax�� PO 12 mg/kg daily (Max = 500 mg) 5 days SR-M Clarithromycinb Biaxin�� PO 7.5 mg/kg/dose bid ��� (Max = 250 mg/dose) 10 days SR-M a b Avoid in those with immediate type hypersensitivity to penicillin Resistance of GAS to these agents is well-known and varies geographically and temporally Table 4. Treatment Regimens for Chronic GAS Carriers Route Agent Oral Clindamycin Cleocin�� Dosage Duration Rating 20-30 mg/kg/d in 3 doses (Max = 300 mg/dose) 10 days SR-H Penicillin and Rifampin Rifadin��, Rimactane�� Pen V: 50 mg/kg/d in 4 doses x10 days (Max = 2000 mg/d) Rifampin: 20 mg/kg/d in 1 dose x last 4 days of treatment (Max = 600 mg/d) 10 days SR-H Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid Augmentin�� 40 mg amoxicillin /kg/d in 3 doses (Max = 2000 mg amoxicillin/d) 10 days SR-M 1 dose SR-H IM & Oral IM PO Benzathine penicillin G Penicillin: PLUS 600,000 units for < 27 kg Rifampin 1,200,000 units for ��� 27 kg Rifampin: 20 mg/kg/d in 2 doses ��� (Max = 600 mg/d) 4 days

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