AASLD GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Hepatitis B

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Contents of this Issue


Page 16 of 19

Recommendations for HCC Screening ����Screen with ultrasound examination of the liver every 6-12 months HBV carriers at high risk for HCC such as: ������ Asian men > 40 years and Asian women > 50 years of age ������ Persons with cirrhosis ������ Persons with a family history of HCC ������ Africans > 20 years of age ������ Any carrier > 40 years with persistent or intermittent ALT elevation and/or high HBV DNA level (> 2,000 IU/mL). (II-2) ����For HBV carriers at high risk for HCC who are living in areas where ultrasound is not readily available, periodic screening with AFP should be considered. (II-2) Table 7. Definition of Terms Relating to Antiviral Resistance to Nucleoside Analogue Treatment Term Definition Virologic breakthrough Increase in serum HBV DNA by > 1 log10 (10-fold) above nadir after achieving virologic response, during continued treatment Viral rebound Increase in serum HBV DNA to > 20,000 IU/mL or above pretreatment level after achieving virologic response, during continued treatment Biochemical breakthrough Increase in ALT above upper limit of normal after achieving normalization, during continued treatment Genotypic resistance Detection of mutations that have been shown in ��� in vitro studies to confer resistance to the NA that is being administered Phenotypic resistance In vitro confirmation that the mutation detected decreases susceptibility (as demonstrated by increase in inhibitory concentrations) to the NA administered 15

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