SITC Guidelines Bundle

Immunotherapy for Bladder Cancer

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BCG Treatment for Bladder Cancer ➤ ➤ Clinical parameters (grade, stage, presence of carcinoma in situ (CIS), age, and pattern of prior BCG failure) are the strongest predictors of response to BCG. ➤ ➤ Wait at least 2 weeks after TUR to start induction BCG (6 weekly treatments). ➤ ➤ For maintenance, use the 6+3 schedule (also known as the 'Lamm' or 'SWOG' schedule). (A) ➤ ➤ Use full doses of BCG for induction, and dose reduction during maintenance, if necessary, based on side effects. (A) ➤ ➤ Patients with increasing disease (number, size, grade, or stage of disease) at the 3 month cystoscopic examination should be considered unresponsive to BCG, and alternate treatment should be instituted. (B) ➤ ➤ Patients who have recurrent disease after adequate BCG treatment should undergo evaluation of upper tracts and prostatic urethra, followed by intravesical immunotherapy with M. bovis or intravesical chemotherapy. ➤ ➤ Continued BCG is not useful in patients with BCG unresponsive disease (see full Consensus Statement*). These patients should be offered radical cystectomy. ➤ ➤ BCG should not be administered in the presence of active infection. • Asymptomatic bacteriuria does not appear to increase toxicities or risk. (B) • BCG appears to be safe and effective in select patients who are immunosuppressed, based on small cohort studies. (C) ➤ ➤ Oral quinolones should not be administered prior to, or within 6 hours of, BCG instillation but, when given appropriately, can reduce BCG toxicity. (A) ➤ ➤ There is no evidence that combination BCG plus interferon is more effective than BCG alone. (B) Consensus Recommenda ons ➤ ➤ The use of lidocaine or excessive lubricants is not recommended with the administration of intravesical BCG. ➤ ➤ It is not necessary to rotate patients every 15 min post BCG instillation. However, patients should hold the BCG in their bladder for 2 hrs. ➤ ➤ Patients should be provided with a template to record BCG treatment/ cystoscopy dates and bring it to subsequent appointments (see full Consensus Statement for template*). * h ps:// cles/10.1186/s40425-017-0271-0

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