INSIDE ▶ Introduction ▶ Recommendations ▶ Tables ▶ Figures Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Progressive Pulmonary Fibrosis

American Thoracic Society Quick-Reference GUIDELINES Apps

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25 Strengths of Recommendations (cont'd) Additional conceptualization from the American Thoracic Society (ATS)/European Respiratory Society (ERS)/Japanese Respiratory Society (JRS)/Latin American Thoracic Society (ALAT) Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (An Update) and Progressive Pulmonary Fibrosis Guidelines panel discussion Recommendation ("We recommend...") Suggestion ("We suggest...") It is the right course of action for >95% of patients. It is the right course of action for >50% of patients. "Just do it." "Slow down, think about it, discuss it with the patient." You would be willing to tell a colleague who did not follow the recommendation that he/she did the wrong thing. You would not be willing to tell a colleague who did not follow the recommendation that he/she did the wrong thing ; it is "style" or "equipoise." The recommended course of action may be an appropriate performance measure. The recommended course of action is not appropriate for a performance measure. e meaning of a suggestion is the same as a weak or conditional recommendation in typical GRADE nomenclature.

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view archives of ATS GUIDELINES Bundle - INSIDE ▶ Introduction ▶ Recommendations ▶ Tables ▶ Figures Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Progressive Pulmonary Fibrosis