
American Thoracic Society Quick-Reference GUIDELINES Apps

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Treatment Box 1. Foundations of Tobacco-Dependence Treatment 1. All patients should be screened for tobacco use, and the potential diagnosis of tobacco dependence should be assessed. 2. The diagnosis of tobacco dependence, as well as the toxic effects of tobacco exposure, should be incorporated into the patient's problem list. 3. Simply encouraging patients to stop smoking is insufficient. All patients who use tobacco should be provided with evidence-based treatment, including pharmacotherapy, to help them stop. 4. Tobacco-dependence interventions require longitudinal follow- up, akin to the longitudinal evaluation and management of other chronic illnesses. ➤ For tobacco-dependent adults in whom treatment is being initiated, we recommend varenicline over a nicotine patch (strong recommendation, moderate certainty in the estimated effects). Remarks: To promote adherence to pharmacologic therapy, providers should be prepared to counsel patients about the relative safety and efficacy of varenicline treatment compared with a nicotine patch. ➤ For tobacco-dependent adults in whom treatment is being initiated, we recommend varenicline over bupropion (strong recommendation, moderate certainty in the estimated effects). ➤ For tobacco-dependent adults in whom treatment is being initiated, we suggest varenicline plus a nicotine patch over varenicline alone (conditional recommendation, low certainty in the estimated effects).

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