Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome - Evaluation and Management

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Evaluation Figure 1. Summary Guideline Flowchart Suspected OHS a NO Hospitalized patient with hypercapnic respiratory failure High probability of OHS Ambulatory stable obese patient Low/moderate probability of OHS Serum bicarbonate ≥27 mmol/l Serum bicarbonate <27 mmol/l Perform ABG OHS highly unlikely Hypercapnia confirmed? YES Initiate NIV treatment Discharge with NIV not feasible b NIV with empiric settings recommended at hospital discharge b Perform other studies or treatments Sleep study/PAP titration within 3 months OHS Confirmed OHS not confirmed OHS and severe OSA CPAP titration & treatment NIV titration & treatment OHS with no OSA or mild/ moderate OSA Case-by-case assessment Continue CPAP therapy Change to NIV therapy Consider bariatric surgery Consider bariatric surgery Adequate treatment of OHS Inadequate treatment of OHS Sleep study/PAP titration

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