Endocrine Society GUIDELINES Bundle (free trial)

Osteoporosis in Women

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➤ Treat high risk individuals - particularly those with previous fracture. ➤ Consider bisphosphonates as the first line therapeutic choice for postmenopausal women at high risk of fracture. ➤ Reassess fracture risk after patient has been on bisphosphonates for 3-5 years. ➤ Following reassessment, prescribe a "bisphosphonate holiday" for women who are on bisphosphonates and are low-to-moderate risk of fracture. ➤ Consider anabolic therapy (teriparatide or abaloparatide) for women at very high risk of fractures, including those with multiple fractures. ➤ All women undergoing treatment with osteoporosis therapies other than anabolic therapy should consume calcium and vitamin D in their diet or via supplements. ➤ Monitor the BMD of high-risk individuals with a low BMD every 1 to 3 years. Key Points Treatment and Management Who to Treat ➤ 1.1 Endocrine Society (ES) recommends treating postmenopausal women at high risk of fractures, especially those who have experienced a recent fracture, with pharmacological therapies, as the benefits outweigh the risks. (1|⊕⊕⊕⊕) Bisphosphonates ➤ 2.1 In postmenopausal women at high risk of fractures, ES recommends initial treatment with bisphosphonates (alendronate, risedronate, zoledronic acid, and ibandronate) to reduce fracture risk. (1|⊕⊕⊕⊕) Technical Remark: ▶ Ibandronate is not recommended to reduce nonvertebral or hip fracture risk.

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